Devil’s Punchbowl to Devil’s Chair

November 24, 2018 @ 8:00 am
Devil's Punchbowl to Devil's Chair

8 MRT – Moderate to Strenuous (1,600′ elevation gain/loss)

Meet at the 118 & Stearns St. Park & Ride. Bring your camera, water, and lunch. Wear boots.

Click here to see a weather report for the Punchbowl area.

The Devil’s Punchbowl is the point at which the San Andreas Fault and the Punchbowl Fault meet; it is part of the San Andreas Rift Zone. The resulting spectacular geological formations and their coloring are awe-inspiring. Our hike will take us along the mostly shaded (by pine trees) rim of the Punchbowl to Devil’s Chair, a breathtaking overlook with 360-degree views of the geologic formations. A rainbow of rock surrounds Devil’s Chair with pink-streaked chalk-white cliffs, undulating tan crags, chocolate brown slabs, and green-gray ledges set against the green of the mountains and the blue sky. PREPAREDNESS: Bring 2-3 liters/quarts of water (or other suitable liquid) and lunch/snack. Wear appropriate footwear (preferably hiking boots) and be prepared for bright sunlight (sunglasses), heat (layers of clothing), and/or precipitation (rain gear). Hiking pole(s) and a camera might come in handy.