About Us

Who are the Rancho Simi Trail Blazers?

The Rancho Simi Trail Blazers is a volunteer organization of outdoor enthusiasts consisting of hikers, and naturalists, who provide needed volunteer services to the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District. We are totally committed to the care and protection of our natural environment for the enjoyment of all.

When were we formed?

As an organization, the Trail Blazers was formed in late 1992.

Why were we formed?

The Trail Blazers were formed to:

  • Retain and enhance the open spaces
  • Cut new trails
  • Maintain existing trails
  • Provide outdoor education for children as well as adults
  • Lead regular hikes for all to enjoy

Our regularly scheduled activities include:

  • Tuesday evening beginner’s hike on the Mt. McCoy Trail
  • Saturday morning hikes (different hike each week)
  • Trail Maintenance, usually every 3rd Saturday of the month
  • Monthly meeting every 3rd Wednesday of the month
  • Monthly newsletter sent to all members

Our major goal is to be of service to our community and leave something beautiful for all generations to enjoy. Now that you know who we are and what we do, would you like to join us? We are totally committed to expending our energies toward a clean, healthy and safe outdoor experience. Since this is an ongoing task, we need growth in our numbers. For more information, or to receive an introductory copy of our monthly newsletter, please call us at 805-584-4400.


Articles of Incorporation